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Saturday, October 26th, 2024

History of This Web Server


Latest News Updated January 30, 2024

A Retrospective

The Fine Print (#include <stddisclaimer.h>)

The School of Technology Studies provides facilities for students, faculty or staff to create personal World Wide Web pages.  Some personal pages contain information about instructional, research, administrative, or public service programs.  Other pages include personal interests, avocations, artistic expressions, and links to Internet resources.  And sometimes, just plain old good clean fun!

The Webmaster does not preview, censor, correct spelling/grammar, or control the content of these pages in any way as a matter of course.  Authors of these pages are responsible for obeying all relevant laws and college policies.  Views expressed in personal pages are strictly those of the page authors, to whom any comments on their contents should be directed.  Seriously, we're not intentionally trying to offend anybody!

This web site is intended as a learning and research tool for students, staff, and faculty in Technology programs at Niagara College, and for guidance to students considering application for admission to these programs.  Nothing in this web site constitutes a representation or warranty on the part of the College.  The information in the web site and the hardware, software and networks which supply it are subject to change from time to time, without notice, as deemed by the staff and faculty who manage it.  The web site is not intended to be, and should not be considered a contract between the College and any student or other person. The programs and courses outlined here will be offered, subject to sufficient enrollment, the availability of competent teachers and the provisions of adequate facilities. 

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